The Jumping World Cup CSI2*-W Olomouc 2025

The World Cup is one of the most prestigious events organised by the International Equestrian Federation (FEI). The World Finals is an annual event comparable only to the World or Continental Championships. This individual competition takes place year-round around the world, which is divided into a total of 16 leagues, and in which riders qualify for the World Finals. The hosting of the Grand Finals alternates between the European and American continents.

The Olomouc qualifying round falls into the Central European League, which is divided into Southern and Northern, with the Czech Republic belonging to the Northern League.

Equine Sport Center Olomouc

LAZECKÁ 576/81, 779 00 OLOMOUC

The venue CSI2-W Olomouc is for the twelfth time one of the most modern and best equipped equestrian centres in Central Europe - Equine Sports Center Olomouc.