
German Finja Bormann won Redstone Silver Tour Final up to 140 cm

Finja Bormann saddled mare Sally 721 and overcame two phases of the Silver Tour Final with zero penalty points in time 30,66 sec. Czech rider Jiří Tměj with bay Atila needed only one hundredth of second more. Barna Burucs from Hungary on Conpeia finished on third place.

Publikováno 26. 6. 2022

Friday victory for Czech republic. Natálie Kovářová won Junior Tour

Czech Natálie Kovářová and gelding Oliver Odeveld won Junior Tour on Friday June 24th. Couple completed clear round up to 140 cm in the best time. Lea Djelmic from Croatia came second together with chestnut Dukat. Dalma Mercédesz Ferencz and Corrada took third place.

Publikováno 24. 6. 2022